Builder class for composing GeoJsonSource objects.
See also
Tile buffer size on each side (measured in 1/512ths of a tile; higher means fewer rendering artifacts near tile edges but slower performance).
If the data is a collection of point features, setting this to true clusters the points by radius into groups.
Max zoom to cluster points on.
An object defining custom properties on the generated clusters if clustering is enabled, aggregating values from clustered points. Has the form {"property_name": [operator, map_expression]} or {"property_name": [operator, accumulated, expression, map_expression]}
Radius of each cluster when clustering points, measured in 1/512ths of a tile.
Initialises whether to calculate line distance metrics.
Maximum zoom level at which to create vector tiles (higher means greater detail at high zoom levels).
Minimum zoom level at which to create vector tiles (lower means more field of view detail at low zoom levels).
Douglas-Peucker simplification tolerance (higher means simpler geometries and faster performance).